
Aaron Kabwe
Place: Zambia
Grade: Kindergarten


Annette Mulenga
Place: Zambia
Grade: Kindergarten


Wisdom Mukimwa
Place: Zambia
Grade: Kindergarten


Idah Musonda
Place: Zambia
Grade: Kindergarten


Your sponsorship does much.

Watch this video to learn more about the impact your sponsorship has on the children of BCA.


Every child at BCA receives:


Christian Education

BCA is committed to an education that is distinctly Christian. Your support goes toward providing the child with the necessary curriculum, school supplies and uniform, in addition to administrative, faculty, and teacher salaries.


Nutritious Meals

The students of BCA grow up in very poor villages. Some students initially come malnourished, with distended abdomens, hair that breaks, and dry skin. After enrolling at BCA and receiving healthy meals that include meat and vegetables, we see many of these symptoms disappear. 


The Gospel of Jesus Christ

We are committed to sharing the hope found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every child and giving them an opportunity to be a part of a healthy church. At each one of our schools, we have partnered with church planters to plant a church at each location.

The Impact of Child Sponsorship


When the time finally came for me to meet [Benson & Sarah in 2019] my stomach was lurching in anticipation. An interpreter walked them up to me and introduced me as their sponsor. They both bowed slightly, and one at a time, meekly proclaimed, “thank you, sir.” My sunglasses were unable to hide the fountain of water that streamed down my cheeks, and my voice choked, as I knelt down between them, placed my hands on their shoulders, and quietly prayed, “Heavenly Father, please put food in their bellies, education in their minds, and Jesus in their hearts. Amen.”

— Michael H.



We fell in love with Rhoda around 2011 and since then she, Albert and Annie have been a beautiful aspect of our lives. These children are about the same age as my children and they consider them their brother and sisters. It is precious. May the Lord continue to bless BCA and the beautiful and important work that is being done for His Kingdom.

— Angela H.
